What Are Guest Directories?
Guest directories in hotels can be understood as an information folder or room folder, that is displayed in the hotel room and informs the guest about the hotel, its offers and its surroundings. Nowadays almost every hotel has a guest directory and they come in all kinds of variations, colors and shapes. They can be leather or paper brochures, thick or thin, old or pretty. However, the guest folder only receives a small amount of attention from the guests. But why is that? Well, that is quite easy. The guest folder has become an object in the hotel room, that is usually neglected by the hotelier. After all, there are more important things to do. Even less attention is probably paid to the other 100 flyers, brochures and information signs that cover the room folders.
Are Guest Folders In Hotels Still Necessary Today?
The answer is definitely Yes. Even if everyone has a smartphone or a tablet and Google is a man’s best friend, we need guest directories in hotels. Before your guests inform themselves on the Internet and elaborately search for information about your hotel and its surroundings, they go to your reception desk. There is only your employee as an all-rounder with infinite knowledge, who has to answer all you guests’ questions while another guest wants to check-in and another one is asking to pay, and casually phones and writes an e-mail at the same time. That does not always work, of course. That is why you need guest directories, that work as information folders and support you as well as your team. It does not matter if you use digital or analog guest directories.
What Can The Guest Directory Do For Your Hotel?
Guest directories have always been a perfect communication medium for the hotel industry. With your hotel room folders you not only inform you guests, but also promote the sales of your hotel’s services at the same time. It does not matter if you have digital or analog guest directories, but it is important that they are neat and, of course, provide all important information at a glance. Guests like to inform themselves in their hotel rooms about all services your hotel has to offer and find answers to their questions on their own.
The Look Of The Hotel Guest Directory Is Half The Battle
Many guest directories that you can find in hotel rooms nowadays, are stained, have dog-ears, are incomplete or completely outdated. Why would a guest take a look at that? Would you do it? And if a guest overcomes himself and picks up the folder, over poured with coffee and red wine, your guest does not find the information he was looking for. So, he puts the folder back, completely frustrated. It is necessary to pay attention to the way you present the room folders in your hotel. No matter if it is a digital or analog guest directory, it needs to be maintained.
Your Guest Directory Represents Your Hotel
The guest directory represents your hotel just as much as your employees do. Would you let your employees take care of your guests wearing torn jeans, having uncombed hair or smelling slightly musty? Of course not. After all, your house is a prestigious hotel and always intent on a smart appearance. Put as much attention to detail into your guest directory as into your entire hotel. No matter which form of the guest folder you choose. It needs to look good. Digital guest directories not only create a certain wow-effect, but also represent innovative strength and the sense for your guests’ needs.

How Does A Perfect Guest Directory With Convincing Content Look Like?
It is recommended to structure the content of your hotel’s guest directory, so your guests easily find the answers to their questions. The listing from A to Z is established here. In alphabetical order, your guests always find what they are looking for. Here is a little tip: Do not forget to write down your WLAN password. Nothing annoys guests more than an unsatisfactory WLAN or a network to which they have no access. The basic topics of a room folder are as follows:
1. The presentation of your hotel, the rooms and the restaurant, as well as other hotel facilities. Explain in your hotel guest folder what makes your hotel special, why you are the best host and inform your guests about the facilities, such as restaurant or wellness area. In addition, you can tell the hotel’s history to give your guests the feeling of connection.
2. In-house rules as well as the house rules. Use the room folder as a behavioral guide in your hotel, where your guests will find all the working hours and customs of your hotel at this point. Tell your guests when breakfast is served, how long the sauna is available to use or how they should behave in an emergency.
3. Your offers and specials. In the guest folders, inform your guests about hotel offers, such as room service, drinks and food that you offer, or other special services of your house.
4. Leisure activities and sights. Use the guest folder in the hotel as a travel guide. Give your guests tips as to where they can best spend their time and what is worth to take a look at.
5. Shopping and cultural attractions. Provide information about the hotel surroundings in the room folder and show, for example, where your guests can shop to their heart’s content or which theater performances are currently recommendable.
6. Important emergency and telephone numbers. Your information folder as a savior in the hotel – always have the most important numbers ready for your guests, for example the doctors’, the pharmacy’s or fire brigade’s phone number.
7. Feedback possibilities (e. g. in the form of questionnaires). Use the room folder as a feedback receiver for your hotel. Always give your guests the opportunity to leave both positive and negative feedback. Only in this way you can find out what you are already really good at and what you need to do to improve and to satisfy your guests even more.
It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It
Now that your hotel guest directories look perfect and contain all the important information, one important aspect is still missing: the language and style used in your room folders. This is not to be neglected either. What is the use of the world’s prettiest and most innovative guest directory, if 100 spelling mistakes and incorrectly used foreign words lead to none of your guests understanding a word written in your information folder. Therefore, always pay attention to the correct spelling and addressing. As a noble luxury hotel an informal addressing is inappropriate. A trendy city hotel with primarily young guests can take advantage of this possibility.
A Brief Summary Of The Ideal Guest Directory
1. Make sure that your guest folders in the hotel are always up to date. Outdated information is of no use to your guests, just like missing information.
2. Make sure that the guest directory matches the design of your hotel. The guest directories are the representatives of your hotel, not the troublemakers.
3. Check whether your guest directories contain all important information.
4. Regularly check the condition of your hotel’s guest directories. Stains or broken directories do not represent your host and service quality.